
how to visit the Masjid Raya Baiturrahman Aceh..?


Masjid Baiturrahman via indotravelguides.com
Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is a mosque of the Sultanate of Aceh that was built by Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Alam in the year 1022 H / 1612 M The building is beautiful and majestic like the Taj Mahal in India is situated right in the heart of the city of Banda Aceh and became the focal point of all activities Aceh Darussalam.

When the Dutch attacked the Sultanate of Aceh in the Dutch army aggression both on the Moon Shafar 1290 H / 10 April 1873 M, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman burned. Then, in 1877 the Netherlands rebuild the Masjid Raya Baiturrahman to attract attention and reduce anger Nations Aceh. At that time, the Sultanate of Aceh was still under the rule of Sultan Muhammad Daud Syah Johan Sovereign who is the Sultan of Aceh last.

When the tsunami struck Aceh, December 26, 2004, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman becomes one of the rescues. Flood tsunami only reach the top rung of the oldest mosque in the city of Banda Aceh.


In the center of the capital Banda Aceh, Jl. Jam Muhammad no.1, Banda Aceh.


The building is beautiful and majestic it is right in the center of Banda Aceh was making Masjid Raya Baiturrahman as a central point of all activities, especially related to Islam in Aceh.

Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is an icon Aceh. became the object of religious tourism which is able to make every tourist who comes amazed history and the beauty of its architecture, where Masjid Raya Baiturrahman including one mosque beautiful in Indonesia which has the elegant architecture, attractive carvings, large courtyard with pond water fountain style Turkish Empire Ottoman and would be very cool if it were inside the mosque.

The main building of the mosque is white with large black dome surrounded by seven towers. Grand impression more so with their large pool and fountain in front of the mosque on the front page of the fountain, and overgrown grass green reminiscent of the Taj Mahal in India.

A mosque is a place of religious tourism in Aceh which is visited for its beauty. Huffington Post's website to enter the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque to the list of 100 most beautiful mosques in the world, even Yahoo! mention this mosque as one of the 10 most beautiful mosques in the world. This is, of course, more to make citizens proud of Aceh and Indonesia.

For tourists, Muslims after prayers in the mosque were also not forgotten to take pictures with the background of the front yard of the mosque that has been the pride of the community known as the Verandah of Mecca. The non-Muslim tourists, usually only take pictures on the front page with a background Baiturrahman Grand Mosque.


If you want to buy a souvenir, you can come to Pasar Aceh is located behind the mosque. After being around, you can be a culinary tour because there are plenty of food vendors in this market. Parking, Garden, Care Shoes / Slippers, Libraries, Office of the Secretariat, Bathroom / WC, ablution place, religious facilities.

Interior Masjid Raya Baiturrahman

picture via static.panoramio.com
In Ramadan, usually, board Baiturrahman Mosque, presents a menu of traditional porridge Kanji Rumbi for Iftar for residents and travelers. porridge Kanji Rumbi Aceh is the typical food that can only be found in the holy month of Ramadan, blended with a variety of spices such as ginger, turmeric leaves and lemongrass.

The culinary specialties of Aceh with a name that is exotic, ie ayam tangkap. named Ayam Tangkap Cut Dek is located at Jalan Raya Banda Aceh, Banda Aceh Lambaro, and there are restaurants Mie Aceh Simpang Lima, because it is situated not far from one of the intersections in the city of Banda Aceh.

For those who want to stay close to the Masjid Raya Baiturrahman there Sulthan Hotel International, Wisma Teuku Umar Hotel, or Hotel 61 Banda Aceh, all of which is approximately 400 meters from the mosque Baiturrahman.

Advice & Tips

picture via hijabspeak.com
For every visitor, both men and women should wear clothing Islam Muslim / Muslimah, but for the non-Muslims certainly should dress modestly (genitalia covered with neat), as shown at the entrance gate of the mosque.

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